Wednesday 20 March 2013

In a perfect world:

  • All boys give hugs without being asked and don't let go until someone else does first.
  • Every romantic lovesong is sung by Corey Taylor (at least in my head. He has a perfect voice).
  • No movies are directed by Judd Apatow or Tim Burton.
  • Laughter is endless and unable to shut down without herculean effort.
  • Money doesn't grow on trees but things are more evenly distributed.
  • Lochlan has no temper.
  • Neither does (did?) Cole.
  • Jake would have had no despair, no hopelessness to offset his flawed faith.
  • Jake's faith would have been whole and perfect.
  • Sam would not be restless, but content.
  • Ruth and Henry are always safe, forever and ever, amen.
  • I can park a car without a ten-foot buffer zone in all directions.
  • Cotton candy doesn't make my teeth hurt.
  • PJ finds what he is seeking.
  • I'm not allergic to sunscreen, fabric softener, food coloring or red wine.
  • The beach is closer and there are no oil tankers in the harbor (wtf Vancouver?)
  • The Atlantic and the Pacific don't have to fight for my loyalty.
  • Chocolate cheesecake is easier to find.
  • My favorite television show (Revolution) moves to 7:00 PM instead of 10:00. 
  • My narcolepsy gets cured by something stupid, like chocolate cake. (Sadly I tried this already and it did not work.)
  • Caleb would find a hobby (besides making money, collecting things and...chasing me.)
  • The wind would disappear.
  • The cherry blossoms would stay up in the trees where they belong.
  • I wouldn't have to wait so long for the third book in the Divergent series.
  • Ben would retire now instead of in thirty years time.
  • August would come back. 
  • I am never sad about things beyond my control.
  • God pays attention to me.
  • I can hear. I can hear you. I can hear everything.