Monday 26 October 2009

Damn, I wish I was your singer.

Oh dear lord. Apparently talent is not available through transmission of bodily fluids because I absolutely cannot sing anywhere nearly as well as I did on Rock Band. No way. Uh-oh. I will stick to playing the violin and the ever-obsequious groupiedom, thank you muchly for coming out and wasting time on me. You're all very good sports for putting the deaf girl in the booth.

Ben got what he wanted for the song anyway. I can't say I'll ever listen to the finished product unless they work some inane amount of magic on it, I sound like a hardcore chipmunk doing her best impression of Sophie B. Hawkins. With a head cold.

On the upside, the studio? My brother in law bought it. For my husband and his friends. Which is interesting to say the least.

Night nights.