Wednesday 29 April 2009

Perfect Imperfect.

Give us a room and close the door
Leave us for a while.
Your boy won't be a boy no more
Young, but not a child.
I'm the Gypsy - the acid queen.
Pay before we start.
I'm the Gypsy the acid queen.
I'll tear your soul apart.
When is the last time you had your eyes tested?


How do you know?

I was newly pregnant and I wanted to get the exam/glasses out of the way while I could still waddle into Vogue Optical on Barrington street in Halifax on my lunch hour. Buy one get one free. Ruth broke the first pair in early 2000. Henry broke the second pair late in 2001. I kind of got caught up with life (Jake) and pretty much decided I was fine. I'm always fine. Aren't I fine?

So...everyone wears glasses but me. Because I'm fine.

Kind of like the hearing thing...

Moms come last by choice, mostly.

I went today because I had to put my money where my mouth is (eyes are?). And what do you know? I'm not fine. I have a football-shaped cornea and basically a severe astigmatism and will be wearing glasses except when I'm sleeping from now on. Because yes, fine. When I covered my right eye my left eye was underwater and oh! geez. First the ears and now this.

Ben keeps calling me the Pinball Wizard. I'm seriously going to punch his lights out. Since I see two of him, there's a fifty-fifty chance I'll connect.

Pfft. At least one part of me still works.