Thursday 2 November 2006


I'll apologize in advance to no one in particular for the thoughts running amok through my brain right this moment. Whenever I write the word 'hungry', I think of sex. I'm not sure why. Well, I'm sure I know why, it's a euphemism to me. Right now I'm hungry. Oh, no...well okay, sure, sex would be great but the kids are home right now from school and Jacob is covered with grease.

Yes, that sounds dirty. Hmm. No, shhh!

I really meant I need to start dinner now.

We were downstairs in the basement earlier this afternoon, all six feet four inches of Jacob's muck and muscle wedged between the foundation wall and the back of the very temperamental dryer, fixing the squeaking sounds that have begun anew. I was passing him tools and keeping him company, sitting wrapped in a blanket on the toboggan that is still downstairs because the summer toys are in the closet upstairs, I haven't had time to switch them yet.

Jake was looking into the inner sanctum of the dryer with a perplexed expression and I had just said something about possibly needing bindings for my snowboard when he abruptly sat back on his knees and looked at me.

You do know that this right here is exactly what we fought for, don't you?
We smiled at each other like blooming idiots.

Yup. Sure did.

Cool. Just checking.